
Application of Resistivity Sounding Method in the Detection of Salt-fresh Water Interface

  • 摘要: 通过电阻率测深法探测沧州献县的地下咸淡水界面,首先结合水文地质条件的综合研究,通过小四极测试法对工作区内不同岩性地层做了物性测试;根据地下咸淡水界面两侧存在着明显的电阻率差异这一地球物理前提条件,布置了7条测线,并进行反演和解释,查明了研究区地下0~250 m深度咸淡水分布情况。结果表明,区域内咸淡水分界线近NE走向,其西北区面积约1/3范围为淡水区,分界线东南大片面积略超2/3范围为咸水区;咸水区内有3个面积较小的淡水区,咸水与淡水分界面深度总体呈现西浅、逐渐向东变深的趋势,并存在4个下凹幅度不等、影响面积及特征不同的漏斗区。研究证明电测深方法在地下水勘查、咸淡水界面勘查中具有良好的有效性。


    Abstract: There is obvious electrical difference between salt and fresh water interface, so electrical detection method is a reasonable choice. In this paper, the resistivity sounding method is used to detect the underground salt and fresh water interface in Xianxian County, Cangzhou. First, combined with the comprehensive study of hydrogeological conditions, the physical properties of different lithologic strata in the working area were tested by mini-four-electrode array. According to the geophysical precondition that there are obvious resistivity differences on both sides of the underground salt water and fresh water interface, seven lines were arranged, and inversion and interpretation were carried out to find out the distribution of salt water and fresh water at the depth of 0~250 meters underground in the study area. The study shows that the salt and fresh water boundary in the region is nearly NE-trending. The northwest area of the boundary is about 1/3 of the fresh water area, and the southeast area of the boundary is slightly more than 2/3 of the salt water area. There are three small fresh water areas in the salt water area. The depth of the interface between salt water and fresh water is generally shallow in the west and gradually deepens to the east, and there are four funnel areas with different depression amplitude, different influence areas and characteristics. This study shows that the resistivity sounding method has good effectiveness in groundwater exploration and salt-fresh water interface exploration.


