
Construction of Temporary Seismic Network and Data Processing for the Shandong Changqing M4.1 Earthquake

  • 摘要: 在2020年2月18日山东济南市长清区发生M4.1地震后,山东省地震局迅速部署在震源区架设的4台流动地震仪,监测到无固定台站记录参与定位的微震事件,且监测到的地震事件均为可定位地震,表明架设流动台网可在震后有效提高震源区地震监控能力,避免震源区附近因无固定台站而遗漏微小地震事件,增加余震记录的定位精度,为震后地震活动趋势判定提供科学的资料支撑;流动地震监测台站的快速组网,也展现了地震监测中心的服务能力,提升了地震应急流动监测的效率,为地震流动监测的快速组网提供了有力保障。


    Abstract: On February 18, 2020, an M4.1 earthquake occurred in Changqing District, Ji'nan. After the earthquake, Shandong earthquake agency set up a temporary seismic network of 4 portable seismographs in the earthquake area which recorded more microearthquakes that cannot recorded by fixed seismic stations. The positioning accuracy of aftershocks was greatly improved, the temporary seismic network can effectively improve the seismic monitoring ability in the focal area after an earthquake and provide scientific data support for the determination of seismic activity trend after earthquake. The rapid networking of temporary seismic monitoring stations also demonstrates the service capacity of the seismic monitoring center, improves the efficiency of earthquake emergency flow monitoring, and provides a strong guarantee for the rapid networking of seismic flow monitoring.


