
Focal Mechanism and Seismogenic Mechanism Analysis of the 2022 Pingshan M4.3 Earthquake

  • 摘要: 基于震中附近地震台站波形资料,采用CAP方法得到平山4.3级地震的震源机制解和矩心深度,同时利用sPL震相对震源深度进行了精确测定。结果显示:平山4.3级地震震源机制双力偶解节面Ⅰ走向311°、倾角43°、滑动角33°;节面Ⅱ走向196°、倾角68°、滑动角128°;P轴方位角259°、倾角15°,表现为NEE-SWW向的挤压应力状态,与华北地区构造应力场方向基本相同。结合区域应力状态和地质构造活动,推测其发震断层为一条兼有走滑性质的逆断型隐伏断裂。


    Abstract: Based on the waveform data from seismic stations near the epicenter, we use the CAP method to obtain the focal mechanism solution and centroid depth of the Pingshan M4.3 earthquake. In order to get a more accurate result, we use the sPL phase to measure the focal depth. The results show the parameters of the focal mechanism solution of the Pingshan M4.3 earthquake are as follows: the nodal plane Ⅰ has a strike of 310°, a dip of 45°, a rake of 35°; the nodal plane II has a strike of 194°, a dip of 66°, a rake of 129°. The P-axis has an azimuth of 256° and an inclination angle of 12°. The focal mechanism solution exhibits a compressive stress state in the NEE-SWW direction, which is basically the same as the direction of the tectonic stress field in North China. We conclude that the seismogenic fault is a reverse hidden fault with a slight strike slip component.


