
The Linked Early Warning Model of Soil Landslide Monitoring and Its Application

  • 摘要: 基于当前滑坡监测预警信息系统的预警模式下滑坡预警工作存在较多误报的现象提出了“联动式预警模型”进行滑坡的监测预警方法,利用大量的滑坡变形监测数据,采用综合指数法构建了滑坡变形滑动时的预警模型,可以联合判断滑坡的整体运动状态并进行预警预报。该模型分别从滑坡监测设备类型、滑坡体分区及监测点变形状态3个方面进行综合判定:首先根据监测设备的不同给予其不同的权重,然后依据监测设备所处滑坡的不同位置确定其对应的权重,最后根据监测点处于滑坡变形破坏的不同阶段确定其对应的变形分值,经过综合计算最终确定出滑坡滑动的预警分值。将此模型应用于渐变型土体滑坡的监测预警,可有效减少预警中存在的误报现象,提高监测预警效率,也可用于同类滑坡监测预警的推广。


    Abstract: Under the current warning mode of landslide monitoring and warning information system, there are many false alarms in landslide warning work. Therefore, a "linkage early warning model" is proposed for landslide monitoring and early warning. The "linkage early warning model" uses a large number of landslide deformation monitoring data and adopts comprehensive index method to build an early warning model of landslide deformation and slide, which can jointly judge the overall movement state of landslide and make early warning and forecast. The model makes a comprehensive judgment from three aspects: the type of landslide monitoring equipment, the slope area and the deformation state of the monitoring point. Firstly, different weights are given according to different monitoring equipment. Second, the corresponding weights are determined according to different positions of the landslide where the monitoring equipment is located. Third, the corresponding deformation scores are determined according to the monitoring points at different stages of landslide deformation and failure. Finally, the early warning scores of landslide slip are determined through comprehensive calculation. The application of this model to the monitoring and warning of gradual soil landslide can effectively reduce the false alarm phenomenon and improve the monitoring and warning efficiency. The model can be applied to the monitoring and warning of similar landslides.


